Source code for aiohttp_github_helpers

import logging
import hmac
import fnmatch
import datetime
import dateutil.parser
import pytz
from aiohttp import web

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("aiohttp_github_helpers")

[docs]def github_check_signature_middleware_factory(signature_secret): """Build and return an aiohttp middleware to check the GitHub signature. We check the GitHub hook signature (see corresponding doc at github on hook secrets). If it doesn't match to the given signature_secret, we return a HTTP/400 error. Args: signature_secret (bytes): the signature secret (as bytes). Returns: aiohttp middlerware (see aiohttp middlewares documentation). """ @web.middleware async def github_check_signature(request, handler): if 'X-Hub-Signature' not in request.headers: return web.Response(status=400, body=b"no X-Hub-Signature header") x_hub_signature = request.headers.get('X-Hub-Signature') body = await sign =, body, 'sha1') signature = "sha1=" + sign.hexdigest() if signature != x_hub_signature: return web.Response(status=400, body=b"bad signature") return await handler(request) return github_check_signature
[docs]@web.middleware async def github_check_github_event(request, handler): """Check the GitHub event or return an HTTP/400. This is an aiohttp middleware. If we can't get the X-GitHub-Event in request headers, we return an HTTP/400 error. Else, the value is stored in the request object dict in the key 'github_event'. Args: request: aiohttp.web.Request object corresponding to the incoming http request from the client. handler: aiohttp handler (see middlewares documentation). Returns: aiohttp Response (see middlewares documentation). """ if 'X-GitHub-Event' not in request.headers: return web.Response(status=400, body=b"no X-GitHub-Event header") request['github_event'] = request.headers.get('X-GitHub-Event') return await handler(request)
[docs]async def github_add_labels_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, labels_to_add): """ Add somes labels to a github issue. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). issue_number (int): number of the issue at github. labels_to_add (list): list of strings to add as labels. Returns: boolean: True if it's ok, False else """ if len(labels_to_add) == 0: return True url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/issues/%i/labels" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, issue_number)"creating labels: %s on %s..." % (labels_to_add, url)) async with, json=labels_to_add) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't create labels: %s on %s (status: %i)" % (labels_to_add, url, r.status)) return False try: await r.json() except Exception as e: LOGGER.warning("can't create labels: %s on %s " "(exception: %s)" % (labels_to_add, url, e)) return False
[docs]async def github_get_labels_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number): """ Get the list of labels of a github issue. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). issue_number (int): number of the issue at github. Returns: list: list of labels (as strings) or None (if problems). """ url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/issues/%i/labels" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, issue_number) LOGGER.debug("getting labels on %s..." % url) async with client_session.get(url) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't get labels on %s (status: %i)" % (url, r.status)) return None try: result = await r.json() except Exception as e: LOGGER.warning("can't get labels on %s " "(exception: %s)" % (url, e)) return None return [x['name'] for x in result]
[docs]async def github_delete_label_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, label): """ Delete a label from a github issue. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). issue_number (int): number of the issue at github. label (string): label string to delete Returns: boolean: True if ok, False else """ url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/issues/%i/labels/%s" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, issue_number, label)"deleting label: %s on %s..." % (label, url)) async with client_session.delete(url) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't delete label: %s on %s (status: %i)" % (label, url, r.status)) return False try: await r.json() except Exception as e: LOGGER.warning("can't delete label: %s on %s " "(exception: %s)" % (label, url, e)) return False
[docs]async def github_delete_labels_on_issue_with_globs(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, glob_include, glob_exclude=""): """ Delete some labels from a github issue with globs (see fnmatch module). To be deleted a label must match to the glob_include pattern AND NOT match to the glob_exclude pattern. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). issue_number (int): number of the issue at github. glob_include (string): glob string (as defined in fnmatch module) to select which labels to delete. glob_exclude (string): glob string (as defined in fnmatch module) to select which labels NOT to delete. Returns: (list, list): tuple of lists. The first element is the list of remaining labels (or None if problems), Second element is the original list of labels (or None if problems). """ labels = await github_get_labels_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number) if labels is None: return (None, None) new_labels = [] for label in labels: if fnmatch.fnmatch(label, glob_include) and \ not fnmatch.fnmatch(label, glob_exclude): res = await github_delete_label_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, label) if res is not True: new_labels.append(label) else: new_labels.append(label) return (new_labels, labels)
[docs]async def github_conditional_add_label_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, label_to_add, glob_not_to_match): """ Add label to a github issue if none on current labels match the given glob. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). issue_number (int): number of the issue at github. lable_to_add (string): the label to add. glob_not_to_match (string): glob string (as defined in fnmatch module) to test with every current labels on the issue. Returns: boolean: True if the label was added, False else. """ labels = await github_get_labels_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number) if labels is None: return False add_label = not any([fnmatch.fnmatch(x, glob_not_to_match) for x in labels]) if add_label is False: return False return await github_add_labels_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, label_to_add)
[docs]async def github_replace_labels_with(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, glob_to_remove, new_label, always_add=False): """ Replace some labels from a github issue matching with a glob by a new one. Note: if the new_label to add is already present, it is not removed then added another time. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). issue_number (int): number of the issue at github. glob_to_remove (string): glob string (as defined in fnmatch module) to select which labels to delete. new_label (string): new label to add. always_add (boolean): True if you want to add the new_label even if no label was removed. Returns: boolean: True if new_label was added (or was already here), False else, None if problems. """ remaining_labels, original_labels = \ await github_delete_labels_on_issue_with_globs(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, glob_to_remove, new_label) if remaining_labels is None or original_labels is None: return None if (not always_add) and (len(remaining_labels) == len(original_labels)): return False if new_label in remaining_labels: return True return await github_add_labels_on_issue(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, [new_label])
[docs]async def github_create_status(client_session, owner, repo, sha, status_state, status_target_url, status_description, status_context): """ Create a status for the given sha. see Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). sha (string): the sha of the commit. status_state (string): the state of the status (error, failure, pending or success). status_target_url: status target url (see github doc). status_description: status description (see github doc). status_context: status context (see github doc). Returns: boolean: True if the status was created, False else. """ posted_body = { "state": status_state, "target_url": status_target_url, "description": status_description, "context": status_context } url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/statuses/%s" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, sha)"creating status %s (context: %s) for url: %s" % (status_state, status_context, url)) async with, json=posted_body) as r: if r.status != 201: LOGGER.warning("can't create status %s (context: %s) " "for url: %s (status: %i)" % (status_state, status_context, url, r.status)) return False try: await r.json() except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't create status %s (context: %s) " "for url: %s" % (status_state, status_context, url)) return False return True
[docs]async def github_post_comment(client_session, owner, repo, issue_number, comment_body): """ Post a comment to a github issue. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). issue_number (int): the issue number. comment_body (string): the body of the comment. Returns: boolean: True if the comment was created, False else. """ posted_body = {"body": comment_body} url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/issues/%i/comments" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, issue_number)"posting comment to %s..." % url) async with, json=posted_body) as r: if r.status != 201: LOGGER.warning("can't create comment on %s (status: %i)" % (url, r.status)) return False try: await r.json() except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't create comment on %s" % url) return False return True
[docs]async def github_get_pr_commit_messages_list(client_session, owner, repo, pr_number): """ Get the list of commit messages for a given pull-request. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). pr_number (int): the pull-request number. Returns: list: list of commit messages (of the PR) as strings (or None if problems) """ url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/pulls/%i/commits" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, pr_number) params = { "per_page": "100" } async with client_session.get(url, params=params) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't get commits list on %s" % url) return None try: reply = await r.json() except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't get commits list on %s" % url) return None return [x['commit']['message'] for x in reply]
[docs]async def github_get_status(client_session, owner, repo, ref, ignore_context_globs=[]): """ Get the combined status for a given ref. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). ref (string): the ref can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name. ignore_context_globs (list): list of context to ignore (globs as defined by fnmatch module). Returns: combined state (string): combined state (failure, success...) """ url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/commits/%s/status" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, ref) async with client_session.get(url) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't get combined status " "on %s (status: %i)" % (url, r.status)) return None try: reply = await r.json() except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't get combined status on %s" % url) return None statuses = [x['state'] for x in reply['statuses'] if all([not fnmatch.fnmatch(x['context'], y) for y in ignore_context_globs])] if any([x in ('failure', 'error') for x in statuses]): return 'failure' if all([(x == 'success') for x in statuses]): return 'success' return 'pending'
[docs]async def github_get_repo_topics(client_session, owner, repo): """ Get the topics of a repository. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). Returns: topics (list): list of repo topics. """ url = "%s/repos/%s/%s" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo) headers = { "accept": "application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json" } async with client_session.get(url, headers=headers) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't get repo " "on %s (status: %i)" % (r.url, r.status)) return None try: reply = await r.json() return reply['topics'] except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't get repo on %s" % r.url) return None
[docs]async def github_get_org_repos_by_topic(client_session, org, topics_to_include=None, topics_to_excludes=[]): """ Get the repo names of an organization by filtering by topics. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. org: organization name topics_to_include (list): list of topics (AND) each repo must have (if None, no filtering). topics_to_exlude (list): list of topics (OR) each repo must not have to be in result. Returns: repo names (list): list or repo names. """ url = "%s/orgs/%s/repos" % (GITHUB_ROOT, org) headers = { "accept": "application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json" } params = { "per_page": "100" } async with client_session.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't get repos list " "on %s (status: %i)" % (r.url, r.status)) return None try: reply = await r.json() except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't get repos list on %s" % r.url) return None output = [] for repo in reply: selected_repo = True topics = repo['topics'] for topic in topics: if topic in topics_to_excludes: selected_repo = False break if not selected_repo: continue if topics_to_include is not None: for topic in topics_to_include: if topic not in topics: selected_repo = False break if selected_repo: output.append(repo['name']) return output
[docs]async def github_get_open_prs_by_sha(client_session, owner, repo, sha, state='open'): """ Get the list of pr where head is the given sha. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). sha (string): the SHA to search. state (string): either open, closed, all to filter by pr state. Returns: pr numbers (list): pr numbers as list of int """ url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/pulls" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo) params = { "state": state, "per_page": "100" } async with client_session.get(url, params=params) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't get pr list " "on %s (status: %i)" % (r.url, r.status)) return None try: reply = await r.json() except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't get pr list on %s" % r.url) return None return [x['number'] for x in reply if x['head']['sha'] == sha]
[docs]async def github_get_latest_commit(client_session, owner, repo, branch, timezone="Europe/Paris"): """ Get the latest commit for a particular branch on a repo. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). branch (string): the branch name. timezone (string): the current timezone. Returns: latest commit as a tuple: ("sha", age_in_seconds) or None if problem. """ url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/commits/%s" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, branch) async with client_session.get(url) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't get the latest commit " "on %s (status: %i)" % (r.url, r.status)) return None try: reply = await r.json() except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't get the laster commit on %s" % r.url) return None try: d1 = dateutil.parser.parse(reply['commit']['committer']['date']) d2 = return (reply['sha'], (d2 - d1).total_seconds()) except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't get sha or compute age for url: %s" % url) return None
[docs]async def github_get_pr_reviews(client_session, owner, repo, pr_number): """ Get the reviews of a given pull-request. Args: client_session: aiohttp ClientSession. owner: owner of the repository at github. repo: repository name at github (without owner part). pr_number (int): the pull-request number. Returns: list: list of reviews (each review is a dict with user_login, state, and sha keys) """ url = "%s/repos/%s/%s/pulls/%i/reviews" % (GITHUB_ROOT, owner, repo, pr_number) async with client_session.get(url) as r: if r.status != 200: LOGGER.warning("can't get the pr reviews on %s " "(status: %i)" % (r.url, r.status)) return None try: reply = await r.json() except Exception: LOGGER.warning("can't get the pr reviews on %s " % r.url) return None res = [] for review in reply: tmp = { "user_login": review['user']['login'], "state": review['state'], "sha": review['commit_id'] } res.append(tmp) return res